Benderloch and Appin
Discover Benderloch and Appin

Castle Stalker, Appin
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Benderloch and Appin
Five miles short of Oban in the village of Connel, you find the impressive canilevered bridge over the entrance to Loch Etive and above the Falls of Lora. This is the road that leads North to Ballachulish, Appin and Fort William, but first it leads to the beautiful area of Benderloch. The first landmark is the North Connel Oban airport, before you find the Ledaig caravan park. It is worth coming here if only for the most idyllic setting from which to watch the sunsets over the Firth of Lorn towards Mull, perfectly framed by Dunstaffnage castle to your left and the Isle of Lismore to your right. After Ledaig, you enter the village of Benderloch with its useful village general store which accesses the Tralee peninsula, and to Barcaldine and Appin, the gateway to Lismore. Benderloch has the stunning rugged beauty of the West.